Sunday, July 24, 2011

Interview with 7Months Later @ House of Blues

 '7 Months Later' inside House of Blues 7/23/11 

By: Mandi From: HTT music

7 Months Later, who came up with that and what exactly does it mean?
Chris " It's just the story of how the band started, behind the scenes if you will, Adam over here asked me to be in a band with him and I was unsure about it at the moment, but about 7 months later we ended up becoming a band."

Now,are you all Originally from Orlando?

How would you describe your sound?
Adam "Mostly Alternative/Rock would be I think the best word's to use, It's hard to generalize because we don't want to stereotype our music."

As a band who is your biggest musical influenes?
"I think we have a lot of different influences, and  one of us has a lot of different musical influences, but I mean we share some mutual ones probably Foo Fighters, Foo Fighters is a big one, probably Jimmy Eat World too, Yellowcard and Coldplay."

You guy's did a Lady Gaga cover, now I must ask are you 'little monster's' or was Edge of Glory just a really good song to cover?
"Well, It's popular... We're not Lady Gaga fans but when we heard that song it was Kinda like well this is something more relevant I feel that she's done and we felt like we could capitalize on that :) I don't know give and ' Edge' to it. Edge... of...Glory!"

How did you feel to be apart of Red, Hot and Boom's Next Big Thing Contest and any thoughts on the winner's?
Adam "Well Me and Nick are friends with the front man of the band that won (Sound Express) so we know him and we were happy for him, Of course we wouldn't have mind winning." Chris "But if it's gonna be someone at least be someone were friends with."

If you could open for any artist touring right now who would it be?
"Foo Fighters. They are playing pretty big shows."

Now HOB is one of my favorite venues, do you four have a favorite venue to perform at?
House of Blues

Ok, #1 song on your playlist right now?
"Probably New ColdPlay and we've been listening to 'Joyride' by There for Tomorrow"

Favorite snack/junk food?
Adam"White Cheddar Cheez-its"
David "pretzel M&M'S
Nick "Reese's Pieces
Chris "Popcorn"

Alright, any shout outs to your fans?
"Thanks Mom...dogs, sister!" "Our fans really mean a lot to us Thank You!" 

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Hello people... I'm assuming you have no clue who I am so for that reason here is a quick introduction:) I am the creator and writer of the Hear That Tune music section as well as the Teen Coordinator for the LCLS. Here you can see all of the most recent updates from our reviews to upcoming events. You can also find me @ Today's Teen as I am one of the entertainment writer's. :D